Victoria Square has approx. 800,000 square feet of retail and leisure space, that's more floor area than The Pentagon and Burj Khalifa put together!
Victoria Square is covered by a huge glass dome, with 635 triangular glass panels.
Victoria Square cost a huge £400 Millions to build and still remains the biggest retail and leisure project in NI's history!
After construction, Victoria Square employed over 2,500 people.
Victoria Square has over 20 brands that are completely exclusive to NI..
Every year, Victoria Square puts on 2 fashion shows, highlighting the new fashion from the brands in-centre.
Victoria Square has spaces to park over 1000 cars.
Over 100 apartments were included in the building of Victoria Square.
Our iconic dome viewing platform is 45 metres tall.
We are home to the only Apple store in Ireland.
Our roof is covered with a chemical called Sedum, which helps reduce our carbon footprint!
We have a fountain which dates back to 1870, located at our Victoria Street entrance.
Victoria Square was planned from 1998, meaning it took 10 years to design and build.
We are home to the only Odeon in Ireland, with 8 screens and a Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream parlour.
The architecture firm employed to design the centre has spent the equivalent of 140 man years to make the initial vision a reality.

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