Victoria Square is for everyone!
We aim to make your Victoria Square experience as pleasant as possible.
Our teams are ASD Aware and Dementia friendly and have an understanding of the difficulties experienced when it comes to shopping in a busy city centre.
On this page, you can find our Audio and Visual guides to shopping and parking with us, find out when our quiet hours are and discover where and how to hire sensory packs to make your experience a great one.

Hire a free Sensory Pack
We can provide you with a free sensory pack, free of charge for the duration of your visit.
The packs include:
> Ear Defenders
> Sensory Fan
> Radar Key
> Fidget Toy
> Light Up Spike Ball
> I.C.E Wristband
These can be hired from Customer Services on Lower Ground, next to Rituals Cosmetics.
Audio Guides
Sometimes the centre fire alarm will sound but don't worry, our team will guide you to the nearest exit.
We test our fire alarms every Monday & Tuesday morning. This is usually over before 11am.
Listen Below.
Our restrooms can be noisy at times, as they are equipped with automatic flushing toilets and hand dryers.
Listen below.
Here is what a usual day at Victoria Square sounds like. You might notice sounds like the centre music, escalators, people chatting and staff radios.
Listen Below.

Quiet times
Our dedicated quiet time is:
Wednesday - 9.30am to 11am
Other quiet periods are:
Monday - 11am to 12pm
Tuesday - 11am to 12pm
Wednesday - 9.30am to 11am
Thursday - 6pm to 9pm
Friday - 6pm to 9pm
Saturday - 9am to 12pm
Sunday - 1pm to 2pm

I.C.E Wristband
You can request an I.C.E (In Case of an Emergency)Wristband from our Customer Services Suite. The purpose of this wristband is to allow a member of our team to contact you or issue a PSA over the tannoy in the event of your child going missing whilst shopping in Victoria Square.
You simply write your name and contact number on the wristband and strap it to your childs wrist.
These are Victoria Square branded and disposable.
Quiet Spaces
We understand how daunting it can feel sometimes coming to Victoria Square. That why we have tried our hardest to make some areas of the centre quiet, peaceful and hidden from the busy shopping lanes.

Level 2 Play Area
Located on the 2nd floor of the complex, this area is fitted with green foliage and seats.

Customer Services Desk
The Customer Services Desk is a quiet, clean space off the main mall. This makes for a quick and easy stop if you need to re-group yourself before continuing your onward journey.

Management Suite
Located on the 3rd floor above Pizza Express, the management suite is a quiet space that you can visit to catch a breath and regroup yourself if you need to.

Lower Ground Seating Areas
We have plenty of seating areas around the shopping centre that you can use to sit, have a coffee or drink of water and relax before continuing to shop, dine or head home.

Level One Seating Area

Little Library on Level One
Accessible Centre Map
Find out where is noisy, has strange smells and has moving escalators.